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Sunday 11 August 2013

How To Convert Windows Os Into Mac Os

If you want to have used Mac os in your PC. So there is no need to worry we have a solution of this to convert your window os or vista os into Mac os. They donot change os they have change your theme of window xp. There is a software which has to convert window os into Mac os. There is no need of any thing only one software is used. There is a software which convert window os into Mac os like its demo of Mac os. List of software which convert this.


There is pack which convert window os into Mac os. There is like a control panel everything is like a Mac os like login screen. To download this software click here. You can download demo version in this site. There download option in the top menu on demo page. This software us easily used and effectively performance for regular users.


There is another transforming pack. Transforming means change your theme of window os into Mac os. There feauters like zooming , minimized menu in task bar and notifaction of new apps. This software has change your look of os. So you are operating in still windows there is only look change. So this is not good work like Mac os. This is used in some days to enjoy look of Mac os.


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